The Winds of Change

The unbearable daily heat was finally broken last night. I could see the cold rain sizzle as it hit the scorching roads - the winds of change have arrived. As the steam rose like smoke from a fire, I was reminded of how the new year has brought with it, its own deliberate gust, as…

22: A Love Letter to Myself

Dear Me You've just turned 22, happy birthday. I know that you're wishing more than anything, for 2017 to be a little kinder on your heart - your heart which constantly longs for the undefinable. I know that you're okay but I also know how much better you could be. Perhaps at times all you…

Observing Observatory

Observatory, also known as ‘Obs’, is a suburb in the city of Cape Town. What makes this suburb particularly unique is that during Apartheid, it was one of the few de facto 'grey' suburbs, where all races lived together. Even today, it has become a hub where people from all walks of life come together.…

#FeesMustFall 2015

So I decided to upload an audio feature assignment which I did for my Broadcast Journalism course last semester. The topic?  Yes you guessed it, #feesmustfall. In light of the re-eruption of student protests across the country, I thought it would be fitting to remember #feesmustfall 2015. The issues we students and workers faced last…

Twenty-one (21)

Yesterday, on the 8th of February, I celebrated my 21st Birthday. I guess there's always a slight element of sadness on birthday's, or maybe that's just me? Maybe it's because my parents often forgot my birthday or maybe because I've spent many of them crying over something pathetic, or maybe it's because I never receive…

New Year, Same Me (Kind of)

I was really excited to start off the New Year because I felt as though my blog also needed a new fresh start. So much happened last year. So much happened for the country, the youth but most importantly, so much happened for me personally. I began to truly understand the world we live in…

Natural Hair is Back, No Lye

Black people’s natural hair has always been viewed as untidy and unmanageable, and many have turned to hair relaxer to contain the beast that is ‘nappy hair’. Hair relaxer has formed an integral part of many black females’ lives. From brands such as Dark n’ Lovely to Soft n’ Free, I personally don’t remember a…